Чайковський Андрій Володимирович
Завідувач кафедри математичного аналізу
Доктор фізико-математичних наук, доцент
Загальна інформація:
Date and place of birth: 17 December 1977, Kyiv, Ukraine.
KNU, Student, 1994 – 1999.
KNU, Ph.D. student, 1999-2001, supervisor Professor M.F. Horodnii
Ph.D. (Phys. and Math. Sc.), KNU, 2001.
Doctor of Sciences (Phys. and Math.), KNU, 2012.
University Experience
1999-2004 Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of
Mechanics and Mathematics, KNU, Assistant professor
2004-Present Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of
Mechanics and Mathematics, KNU, Associate professor
Practical experienve:
2011-Present: Kyiv RnD center of the Samsung Electronics Corporation, Computer Vision department.
2011 – Award of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to the Best Young Mathematician of Ukraine.
Ukrainian (native speaker), English (moderate), Russian (good).
Наукова діяльність:
Papers in mathematical journals – over 50.
Science networks
Web Of Science:
Google Scholar:
Fields of research:
Abstract differential equations, abstract difference equations, approximation theory
Last papers:
1. On Exponential Dichotomy for Abstract Differential Equations with Delayed Argument
Chaikovs’kyi, A., Lagoda, O. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2024, 75(8), pp. 1302–1312.
2. Bounded Solutions of Difference Equations in a Banach Space with Asymptotically Constant Operator Coefficient
Chaikovs’kyi, A.V., Lagoda, O.A. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 2023, 272(2), pp. 307–315.
3. On Some Conditions for the Second Moduli of Continuity
Chaikovs’kyi, A.V. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2023, 74(9), pp. 1471–1477.
Механіко-математичний факультет, к. 40
E-mail: andriichaikovskyi@knu.ua